EDP is a company in the energy sector, with a consolidated position in the Iberian market. Its activity consists in production, distribution and selling of electricity and gas. It is among the major European operators in the energy sector, and is one of the largest energy operators of the Iberian Peninsula and the 3rd largest producer of wind energy in the world.
In June 2007 a joint initiative of the Portuguese and Spanish Governments gave rise to the Iberian Electricity Market.
In the daily electricity market, which takes place the day before energy is delivered, a price of the electricity for each hour of the delivery day (the market price) is settled. This price results from the matching of offers to buy and sell from different market agents through their supply units.
On each day, agents (buyers and sellers) specify supply blocks, i.e., pairs consisting of a quantity and a price at which they propose to negotiate (buy or sell) energy, for each hour of the next day. These supply blocks are represented as supply curves depicting certain patterns.
The challenge proposed by EDP is the following. Using past information on published daily data identifying production and/or technologies offers by the different units for past supply curves, the goal is to match, in the daily publication of offers from various supply units, each block to the corresponding supply unit.