MUSEPAT 2014: The 3rd International Conference on Multicore Software Engineering, Performance, and Tools (Co-located with FSE 2014) - Hong Kong, November 16-17, 2014 - IMPORTANT DATES Abstract/paper submission: June 23/27, 2014 Notification of acceptance: August 27, 2014 Date of Conference: November 16-17, 2014 AIMS AND SCOPE MUSEPAT is a forum for researchers and practitioners that face the challenges of multicore and distributed software. The scope of MUSEPAT includes research that addresses all aspects of the software development life cycle of multicore systems —specification, design, programming models and techniques, testing, analysis, and debugging. The conference welcomes original, previously unpublished technical (full/short) papers, industrial experience reports and tool papers. TOPICS OF INTEREST - Software engineering for multicore (CPU or GPU) and heterogeneous systems - Specification, modeling and design of multicore systems - Programming models, languages, compiler techniques and development tools for multicore - Parallel and distributed testing and debugging (PADTAD) including noise-based testing, cloud testing - Software maintenance and evolution of multicore systems - Performance tuning and optimization of multicore - Domain- and platform-specific multicore software issues in scientific computing, embedded and mobile systems SUBMISSION AND PUBLICATION Four kinds of papers can be submitted to the conference: - Full technical papers: At most 12 pages describing mature multicore research. - Experience reports: At most 12 pages addressing practical industrial or open source uses of multicore techniques and technologies in real-world environments. - Tool papers: At most 5 pages describing a multicore software development tool. Authors of tool papers are expected to provide a demonstration of their tool at the conference. - Short technical Papers: At most 5 pages describing in progress multicore research. All papers are to be submitted in Springer LNCS format and accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings. For further submission details please visit GENERAL CHAIR Jeremy Bradbury, University of Ontario IT, Canada PROGRAM CHAIR Eitan Farchi, IBM Haifa Research Lab, Israel PROGRAM COMMITTEE Klaus Havelund, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA Michael Hind, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, USA Akash Lal, Microsoft Research, India Jeff Lei, University of Texas at Arlington, USA João Lourenço, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal Shiva Nejati, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg Victor Pankratius, MIT, USA Paul Petersen, Intel, USA Michael Philippsen, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany Christian Prehofer, Fraunhofer ESK and LMU München, Germany Scott Stoller, Stony Brook University, USA Shmuel Ur, University of Bristol, UK Tomas Vojnar, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic