(includes Conference Dinner and Trip in LIsboa)
Inside Portugal
Payments can be made by check to "Fundação da FCT/UNL" or by bank transfer.
Outside Portugal
Payments can be made by bank transfer or by credit card. Payments by check will not be accepted.
Payments by Check (only inside Portugal)
The check, participant and conference names should be sent by mail to:
Fundação da FCT/UNL
Campus da Caparica
2829-516 Caparica
Payments by Bank Transfer (inside and outside Portugal)
Account owner - Fundação da FCT/UNL
Address of the account owner- Tesouraria, Campus da Caparica
2829-516 Caparica, Portugal
Bank - Millennium BCP, Almada, Portugal
NIB - 0033 0000 4528 3691 946 05 (only inside Portugal)
IBAN - PT50 0033 0000 4528 3691 946 05
Participant and conference names should be provided.
Payments by Credit Card
If you want to pay using a credit card please send an email to ccl2011@fct.unl.pt