12h00-12h20 From industry to amateurs: the Sacavém Ceramic Factory (Sacavém, Portugal) and 19th century amateurs china painters. Mathilda Larsson Coutinho, Teresa Pereira da Silva, José Mirão, João Pedro Veiga
14h40-15h00 Barium titanate based piezoelectric ceramics for bone regeneration. Diogo B. Moniz *,1, Andreia A. S. Lopes 1, Célia Henriques 2, Jorge C. Silva2, João P. Borges1 , M. Carmo Lança 1, M. Margarida R.A. Lima *,1
5 - XANES investigation of the yellow Sb-Pb pigment used in colour mixtures in Portuguese ceramics during the 18-19th centuries
6 - Co K-edge XANES in ceramic pigments form faience and porcelains from the 16th to the 18th century