Vice President of R&D, Hovione
Dr. Filipe Gaspar a Vice-President at Hovione with global responsibility over the Research and Development, a group of more than 220 highly qualified individuals both in US and Portugal. His areas of interest include Knowledge Management, Particle Engineering, Quality by Design, Industrial Marketing and Business Development.
At Hovione he led RD Particle Design group until 2011 where he involved in more than 120 projects from preclinical stage to commercial reality. During that period he was the Lead Scientist in four projects that reached commercial stage, including the first at Hovione submitted under QbD.
He then moved to the business area where he become first Director of Technology with responsibility over selection and implementation of new technologies and later become the business leader for particle engineering services at Hovione
1996 - Chemical Engineering degree from Instituto Superior Técnico (Portugal)
2000 - PhD from University of Birmingham (UK).