
Framework for the Technology Assessment of VTOL Personal and Mass Air Transportation System, Monte de Caparica, 06-12-2016:

Framework for the Technology Assessment of VTOL Personal and Mass Air Transportation System

Abdurrahman M. Yazan (CICS.NOVA)

7th Winter School on Technology Assessment

7th Winter School on Technology Assessment

7ª Escola de Inverno em Avaliação de Tecnologia

Date: December 6th, 2016

Venue: Auditório - Biblioteca, FCT-UNL, Campus Caparica

5th Winter School on Technology Assessment

5th Winter School on Technology Assessment

Pre-Winter School conference

Ventseslav Kozarev (Univ. Sofia, Bulgaria, estudante de doutoramento): "Social responsibilities and technological innovation: possible applications for technology assessment"

Date: December 5th, 2014

Venue: DCSA Seminar Room, building VII 1st floor, 10h-12h

Winter School

Date: December 10th, 2014