Travel Information

Visa Information

A valid passport (or identity card for European Community nationals) is required.

Travelling to Lisbon

Lisboa is easy to get to. It is a short flight away from most European cities, and is just as easily accessible by road, railway or sea.

By Air

Lisboa International Airport, 7 km from the city centre, has daily flights to and from the major cities in Europe and the world. 
The Portuguese airlines TAP-Air Portugal as well as major international airlines, fly to and from Lisboa.

To access the city centre, from the airport, several options are available:

How to reach CCL 2011

CCL 2011 will take place at Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia-Universidade Nova de Lisboa (FCT-UNL). The conference will take place at the Library Auditorium located in the Library Building.

Directions (by car, from Lisbon Airport to FCT-UNL)

Go west on the 2 Circular expressway, pass Campo Grande and get off at the Eixo Norte-Sul exit. Follow the signs that lead to A2 Sul and to the Ponte 25 de Abril bridge.