Last minute information


Please notice that two of the plenary talks have been rescheduled.

MP1 - Monday (25 July), 9:00 - 10:00, Room: Grande Auditório
Author: Gilbert Laporte
Title: New Trends in Vehicle Routing

WP1 - Wednesday (27 July), 12:00 - 13:00, Room: Grande Auditório
Author: Stephen J. Wright
Title: Sparse Optimization: Algorithms, Formulations, and Apllications

Conference program

The conference program is now available.

Abstract acceptance, registration and lodging

Notification for abstract acceptance or rejection has already occurred. If you have submitted your abstract until March 31, and did not receive this notification email, please contact us (checking first your spam mailbox).

Talks in contributed sessions have 20 minutes of duration, including time for questions. In organized sessions, each talk has a duration of 30 minutes, again including time for discussion.