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Presentation of Ventseslav Kozarev

On the frame of the 5th Winter School on TA, Ventseslav Kozarev (University of Sofia) will present a paper on "Social Responsibilities and Technological Innovation: Possible applications of technology assessment".

It will take place at the seminar room of DCSA (building VII, Caparica Campus, FCT-UNL), on the December 4th, at 10:00

5th Winter School on Technology Assessment

5th Winter School on Technology Assessment

Pre-Winter School conference

Ventseslav Kozarev (Univ. Sofia, Bulgaria, estudante de doutoramento): "Social responsibilities and technological innovation: possible applications for technology assessment"

Date: December 5th, 2014

Venue: DCSA Seminar Room, building VII 1st floor, 10h-12h

Winter School

Date: December 10th, 2014