Marcel Ottens
Department of Biotechnology
Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands
Marcel Ottens obtained a PhD in Chemical Engineering from Amsterdam University, and currently holds a position at Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands. He teaches engineering courses in Biotechnology programs. He is course leader and board member Annual International Post Graduate Advanced Course on Downstream Processing, Delft; board member of the DPTI (Delft Process Technology Institute) and editor of Food and Bioproducts Processing. He is board member of several learned societies ‐ ESBES (European Section on Biochemical Engineering Science) and vice‐ chair its Downstream Processing Section; Dutch Biotechnological Society NBV, working party Product Isolation and Purification and is involved in the ACS‐BIOT (American Chemical Society, Biotechnology division). He is member of the ACS, ESBES, NBV, NPT (Dutch Chemical Engineering Society) and the KNCV (Dutch Chemical Society). He is involved in organization of many conferences (ESBES, ACS‐ BIOT, BPP, ECCE‐ECAB, Recovery of Biological Products,…). Marcel Ottens published over 90 papers, various books and book chapters and holds several patents, presented dozens of (invited) lectures at international conferences. His current research interests are micro bio systems technology and micro fluidics, biologicals separation and purification, fast conceptual bio(pharma)process design (High Throughput Process Development), process chromatography of biologicals and nutraceuticals, continuous bioprocessing (e.g. Simulated Moving Bed technology), general phase behavior of biomaterials, including crystallization and precipitation, and more in general transport phenomena and bioseparation science.