Prof. Dr. Helena Navas (hvgn@fct.unl.pt)
FCT NOVA, UNIDEMI, FCT NOVA teacher, event host and logistic Coordinateur
Prof. Dr. Alexandra Tenera (abt@fct.unl.pt)
FCT NOVA, UNIDEMI, IPQ/CT175, FCT NOVA teacher, event host and site Coordinateur
Cristina Groba, Anabela Seita, Carina Gomes & Filipa Reis
FCT NOVA, Special Projects and Events Division, FCT NOVA Course room and FCT accommodations
Sara Cardoso (TA) & Inês Cardoso Matos (TA)
FCT, Student Meeting General support team
Sónia Mariano, Helder António, Rui Olavo (event logo design)
FCT NOVA, Communication and External Relations Division, Site and Logo Design Team
Cristina Groba, Anabela Seita, Filipa Reis, ( event logo design)
FCT NOVA, Communication and External Relations Division, Site and Logo Design Team