
The 2021 Portuguese Meeting on Optimal Control - EPCO 2021, will take place virtually at the Department of Mathematics of FCT NOVA, at Caparica, Portugal. EPCO 2021 will be held on 28th and 29th June 2021 and it will be an excellent forum to present new research results and to discuss ideas and recent developments in the field of optimal control. 

Meeting Topics

Optimal control and optimality conditions

Stabilization methods for nonlinear systems

Geometric control

Model predictive control

Differential games

Stochastic control

Control of PDEs

Numerical methods in control

Applications of optimal control

The language of this meeting will be English.

Important Dates

Abstracts submission deadline: May 2nd May 21st

Notification of (20-minute) oral presentation: May 21st  June 11th

Online registration deadline: June 11th June 26th (Registration is free, but manda tory.)

Meeting: June 29th 28th and 29th June
