BLD Bibiloteca, Room "Auditório da Biblioteca" |
9:00-9:30 | Navigating through the hybrid modeling plane, Marco Reis (UC) |
9:30-10:00 | Modelling mamallian cell cultures. Mechanistic models with a pinch of machine learning, Sergio Rossel (GSK) |
10:00–10:30 | Hybrid modeling for culture media engineering, Rui Oliveira (NOVA) |
10:30-11:00 | Applying transfer and reinforcement learning to accelerate HM construction, Dongda Zhang ( U.Manch) |
11:00–11:30 | COFFEE BREAK |
11:30–12:00 | Hybrid modeling for prediction of Bioavailability, Florian Fuehrer (Bayer) |
12:00–12:30 | Real-time application of models for (bio-)process monitoring and control, Wolfgang Sommeregger (QUBICON) |
12:30–13:00 | A hybrid modeling framework to improve process monitoring, Massimiliano Barolo (UNIPD) |
13:00–14:00 |
14:00–14:30 | Hybrid modeling for accelerated process development, Moritz von Stosch (DataHow) |
14:30–15:00 | Hybrid model development for fouling control in reverse osmosis membranes, Elena Torfs (U.Ghent) |
15:00–15:30 | A Methodology of Hybrid Modelling in Fine Chem and Pharma Process Trains, Mumin Leblebic (KU Leuven) |
15:30–16:00 | Hybrid semi-parametric modeling for digital twin-based Quality by Design in modular process plants, Jonathan Maedler (TU Dresden) |
16:00–16:30 | COFFEE BREAK |
16:30–17:00 | Automated assembly of hybrid dynamic models for CHO cell culture processes, Ioscani Jiménez del Val (UCD) |
17:00–17:30 | Hybrid modelling in product and process design and manufacturing, Maria Papathanasiou (Imperial) |
17:30-18:15 | Round table discussion and closing Ceremony, Moritz von Stosch and Rui Oliveira |