Poster dimensions:
The display area for each poster on the panel of the poster board is 0.84m wide x 1.18m high. This area will be allocated for each poster. Please ensure that your poster does not exceed this size.
Presentations will be delivered under the following main topics
- Biomaterials
- Nanomaterials
- New Materials
- Response and Applications
- Response and Characterization
- Theory and Modeling
Invited Speakers
- M. Copic (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)
- A. DeSimone (International School for Advanced Studies, Italy)
- A. Figueiredo Neto (Universidade de S. Paulo, Brazil)
- D.G. Gray (McGill University, Canada)
- P. Keller (Institut Curie, France)
- C.D. Modes (Cambridge University, UK)
- H. Pleiner (Max-Planck-Institute, Germany)
- R.L. Selinger (Kent State University, LCI, USA)
- E.M. Terentjev (Cambridge University, UK)
- K. Urayama (Kyoto University, Japan)
- T. White (Air Force Research Laboratory, USA)
- B. Zalar (J. Stefan Institute, Slovenia)
Best Poster Award
An award will be given, to the best poster, by the Europhysics Letters (EPL) representative Dr. Graeme Watt (Editor). The delivery of the award will take place on the conference’s closing ceremony.