After the great success of our second edition, we are organising the third edition of PepperSchool.

The third edition will take place in October 2024 in Costa de Caparica, Portugal.

We are currently preparing an excellent program with international speakers, as well with emphasis in a highly interactive school.

Please, keep checking our web page for further information and updates.

PepperSchool gathers PhD students, post-doctoral researchers, principal investigators and any professionals from academia and industry wishing to be up to date in the field of tailored-made peptide/protein production.

Check our edited book regarding some of the topics of our thematic school, available here.

We look forward to meeting you at PepperSchool!

On behalf of the organising committee,

Dr. Olga Iranzo (CNRS/Aix-Marseille Université, France)

Dr. Margarida Dias (UCIBIO - FCT-NOVA, Portugal)