Actas do Congresso

Guidelines for authors of manuscripts submitted to SPE 2009
to be published in Springer series
Studies in Theoretical and Applied Statistics

Your manuscript should be prepared in the LATEX format using the Springer template folder “svmult” that can be downloaded at the address

(Manuscript Preparation in LaTeX: For contributed books, proceedings, and similar)

1.    The set of files in the folder (or subdirectory) “styles” should be placed where your LaTeX processor can find it (one possible choice is in the directory of your manuscript LATEX file).

2.    Your manuscript should be prepared using the file author.tex to be found in the “templates” folder (or subdirectory), following the instructions therein and in the other help files located in the “svmult” folder.

3.    Please name your LaTeX manuscript with three letters of the first author’s name. followed by the year and month of birth (example: Ronald Aylmer Fisher born 17 February 1890: raf189002.tex)

4.    Please name all your figures and tables with the LaTeX manuscript name followed by fig (or tab) followed by an order number (example: raf189002fig3 or raf189002tab2).

5.    Please send your zipped manuscript (including your author .tex file, the figures files and a PDF printed copy) to the e-mail address

6.    Your contributed paper should not excede 8 pages.

The deadline for submissions is March 12, 2010.