STREAM education in Lithuania: experience and expectations

Invited Speaker:

Nijolė Cibulskaitė

Nijolė Cibulskaitė, Professor of Teacher Education Institute, Education Academy of Vytautas Magnus university; her main research interest focus on a primary and basic school mathematics didactics and teacher education. Professor give lectures (for example) for Bachelor degree students – prospective primary school teachers - on Integrated mathematical education, Didactics of arithmetic, Didactics of algebra and statistics; for Bachelor degree students – prospective secondary school teachers - on Didactics of mathematics, Algebra, Mathematics Olympiad level problem solving; she led by bachelor, magister and doctoral final theses. She has a broad international experience as visiting teacher at universities in France and Portugal. Nijolė Cibulskaitė is the member of the Editorial Board of the scientific journal Advances in Historical Studies, Scientific Research, USA (since 2016). Professor participated in national and international projects (5 in last decade, one of them is FP7, SiS 2008, project action Innovative methods in Science Education, Science-Teacher Education Advanced Methods, 2009-2012); she presented research papers at national and international conferences (16 presentations in 2014-2019) and published articles in a scientific publication in Lithuania and abroad (14 publications in 2014-2019); she is the author of school textbooks and other teaching sources (more than 40 positions). Nijolė Cibulskaitė was the expert of Lithuanian Ministry of Education (2003-2010), now she is the expert of Research Council of Lithuania (since 2013).