Author Guidelines                                                                                                      

Guidelines for publication on Annales 22 are available here.

Deadline for submission of papers: 28th February

Oral Presentations

Length of the presentations: 15 minutes

In order to keep presentations on time and to respect the programme schedule, we invite you to record your presentation and send it to us by email ( The maximum length is 15 minutes. There will be 5 minutes dedicated to questions from the audience.

Students presenting in the Student Session will have a shorter presentation of max. 10 minutes.

Recordings may be sent using one of the following format:
- Record your presentation with your image appearing on one of the corners and send it to us in mp4 format (recommended) or PowerPoint with audio record.

Please click on the following links to watch the videos with instructions:

(watch from 00:24 seconds)

We would like to kindly ask you to send us your ORAL and POSTER presentations until the 25th of July
If this date is not possible for you, or if you need any assistance with the recording of your presentation, please contact the Organisation Committee ( 

Poster Presentations

Posters should be prepared in A1 format and sent to us in PDF format. Posters will be made available online on a dedicated virtual room during the length of the conference and available to all participants.

For those who want, you can send a audio file (max. 3 minutes) with a flash presentation of your poster and it will then be available together with the poster. For this option, the poster and the audio file must be sent together in the same email.