Prospective speakers should submit a 250-300 word abstract until 15th January 2021.
After downloading and preparing your abstract, please name the file with the last name of the the first author (e.g. LastName-et-al.docx) and send it as an attached file to
The official languages of the Congress are English, French and German. There will be no simultaneaous translation.
The Congress themes are expected to focus on the history, archaeology, technology, archaeometry, and conservation of glass from the entire world.
The AIHV22 Organising Committee decided to open a dedicated call for students.
Students are invited to submit a 250-300 word abstract by 15th March 2021 for a Short Presentation at a dedicated students session or for Poster.
Students can submit their proposals following the link:
For those who are already AIHV members, by the time of the conference fee payment, a student proof will be asked (student card or declaration).
The official languages of the Congress are English, French and German. There will be no simultaneaous translation.
The Congress themes are expected to focus on the history, archaeology, technology, archaeometry, and conservation of glass from the entire world.
Important Dates:
15th January 2021
Deadline for receiving Abstracts
15th March 2021
Deadline for receiving Student Abstracts
15th April 2021
Notification with acceptance of Abstracts
30th June 2021
Deadline for booking with early registration discount