Confirmed invited speakers

Daniele  de Sanctis

Daniele de Sanctis


Principal beamline scientist at ID29 at the European Synchrotron. Project manager for EBSL8/ID29 upgrade for the design, construction and operation for the new beamline for time resolved serial microsecond crystallography.

Title of talk: New opportunities for microsecond time-resolved crystallography at ID29

Damià  Garriga

Damià Garriga


Beamline scientist at BL06-XAIRA microfocus MX beamline at ALBA Synchrotron Light Source.
Damià has 20 years of experience in Structural Biology, mostly applied to Virology projects. His main focus is in X-ray crystallography techniques, but also in its combination with NMR spectroscopy, cryo-electron microscopy and cryo-soft X-ray tomography.

Title of talk: Structural Macromolecular Biology program at ALBA synchrotron

João Pedro  Oliveira

João Pedro Oliveira


João Pedro Oliveira got his PhD in Materials Science and Enginering in 2016 from NOVA FCT, Portugal. During his Phd, Joao worked on welding of shape memory alloys and was an invited researcher at the the Center for Advanced Materials Joining of The University of Waterloo, Canada. He then took a postdoctoral position at the Welding Engineering Program, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, at the The Ohio State University, USA working in the areas of welding and additive manufacturing of advanced engineering alloys.

José Artur  Brito

José Artur Brito


Jose Artur Brito graduated in Biotechnological Engineering in 2001 and after a short training period at the University of Madison Wisconsin (USA) he joined the Macromolecular Crystallography Lab at ITQB NOVA. After his Ph.D. degree in 2011, Jose took a joint postdoctoral position with the Membrane Protein Crystallography and the Bacterial Cell Biology labs at ITQB NOVA and in 2018, he became co-Principal Investigator of the Membrane Protein Crystallography Laboratory.

Michael  Krisch

Michael Krisch


Michael Krisch joined the ESRF in 1988 as a trainee, and then as a PhD student in the Optics Group, affiliated with the University of Dortmund. After a year spent abroad at the NSLS, Brookhaven National Laboratory, he returned to the ESRF to participate in the construction and commissioning of beamline ID16 (Inelastic scattering I). In 1996 he became scientist in charge of the ID28 beamline project (Inelastic scattering II), and in 2013 he took over the responsibility of Upgrade beamline ID20 (UPBL6).

Hartmut "Hudel" Luecke

Hartmut "Hudel" Luecke


Hartmut Luecke (born in Göttingen, Germany) is a structural biologist with an emphasis on membrane protein structure-function studies and structure-based drug discovery. He began his independent career at the Stanford Synchrotron as a Structural Biologist before joining the faculty at the University of California, Irvine (UC Irvine) in 1996, where he was Professor of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Computer Science for over 20 years. He is also the founding director of the UC Irvine Center for Biomembrane Systems.

Maria João  Melo

Maria João Melo


Maria João Melo is Full Professor at the Department of Conservation and Restoration of NOVA University of Lisbon. She is researcher at LAQV -Requimte, being the head of the Cultural Heritage group. She is also a researcher at Institute of Medieval Studies at NOVA.

Cristiano   Mota

Cristiano Mota


Cristiano Mota is Assistant Researcher (CEEC 2022) at the Macromolecular Crystallography Lab of UCIBIO, NOVA School of Science and Technology. He graduated in Biochemistry in 2006 at Faculdade de Ciências – Universidade de Lisboa and holds a PhD since 2011 in Biochemistry by NOVA University Lisbon. His PhD research focused on the study of Mo and W enzymes using steady-state kinetics and EPR spectroscopy.