Call for papers

We kindly invite you to submit a paper for the 14th International Conference on Axiomatic Design. Papers must be original, unpublished, written in English, and prepared using the template provided. All papers will be peer reviewed. Uncorrected papers will be rejected.

At least one author of each accepted paper is expected to register and present it. 

Abstract submission: Please submit your Abstracts by e-mail to Paper submition: On easy-chair. Please see folder paper submition. 

All accepted papers will be published in an open access volume of IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering.


Please try to focus on: 

- Design for Sustainability: CO2 reduction and capture; Water disposal; Indoor/outdoor environment quality; Mobility and energy use reduction; Smart cities and energy use; Circular economy; Energy policies for sustainability.

- Design Science and Applications

- Teaching and learning methods

Specific topics include, but are not limited to:

- Design of complex systems

- Innovative Design

- Industry 4.0

- Open design

- Engineering design Education

- Advances in Axiomatic Design

- Advances in design theories.
