[Informação completa AQUI]
D Alagador, JO Cerdeira, Introducing Spatio-Temporal Conservation Units: Models for Flexible Optimization of Species Persistence Under Climate Change, in Handbook of Climate Change and Biodiversity, Sringer, Cham (2019) 243-258.
D Alagador, JO Cerdeira, A quantitative analysis on the effects of critical factors limiting the effectiveness of species conservation in future time, Ecology and Evolution 8 (2018) 3457-3467.
D Alagador, JO Cerdeira, Meeting species persistence targets under climate change: a spatially-explicit conservation planning model, Diversity and Distribution 23 (2017) 703-713.
D Alagador, JO Cerdeira, MB Araujo, Climate change, species range shifts and dispersal corridors: an evaluation of spatial conservation models, Methods in Ecology and Evolution 7 (2016) 853-866.
FS Dias, DL Miller, TA Marques, J Marcelino, MC Caldeira, JO Cerdeira, MN Bugalho, Conservation zones promote oak regeneration and shrub diversity in certified Mediterranean oak woodlands, Biological Conservation 195 (2016) 214-223.
MN Bugalho, FS Dias, B Brinas, and JO Cerdeira, Using the high conservation value forest concept and Pareto optimization to identify areas maximizing biodiversity and ecosystem services in cork oak landscapes, Agroforestry Systems, 90 (2016) 35–44.
R Brás, JO Cerdeira, Computational comparison of algorithms for a generalization of the node-weighted Steiner tree and forest problems, in Operations Research, CIM Series in Mathematical Sciences 4, 67-83, 2015, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing
D Alagador, JO Cerdeira, A model to minimize costs and promote species persistence under climate change, in Operations Research and Big Data - IO2015-XVII Congress of Portuguese Association of Operational Research, 1-8, 2015, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
D Alagador, JO Cerdeira, MB Araujo, Shifting protected areas: scheduling spatial priorities under climate change, Journal of Applied Ecology 51 (2014) 703-713.
R Brás, JO Cerdeira, D Alagador and MB Araújo, Linking habitats for multiple species, Environmental Modelling & Software 40 (2013) 336-339.
F Dias, MN Bugalho, JO Cerdeira, MJ Martins, Is forest certification targeting areas of high biodiversity in cork oak savannas?, Biodiversity and Conservation 22 (2013) 93-112.
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Pimentel, M., Faleiro, F., Marques, T. A., Bispo, R, Dionísio, G., Faria, A. M., Machado, J., Peck, M. A., Portner, H., Gonçalves, E., Pousão-Ferreira, P. & Rosa, R. (2016) Foraging behaviour, swimming performance and malformations of early stages of commercially important fishes under ocean acidification and warming. Climatic Change.
Figueiredo I, Natário I, Moura T, Carvalho ML (2013). Modelling the dynamics of the deep-water shark Centroscymnus coelolepis off mainland Portugal. Aquatic Living Resources, 26: 355 - 364.
Natário, I., Figueiredo, I., Carvalho, M.L. (2015). A State Space Model Approach for Modelling the Population Dynamics of Black Scabbardfish in Portuguese Mainland Waters. In Dynamics Games and Science. Edts: Bourguignon, Jean-Pierre and Jeltsch, Rolf and Pinto, Alberto Adrego and Viana, Marcelo. CIM Series in Mathematical Sciences Volume 1: 499-512.
JO Cerdeira, T Monteiro-Henriques, MJ Martins, PC Silva, D Alagador, AMA Franco, ML Campagnolo, P Arsénio, FC Aguiar, M Cabeza, Revisiting niche fundamentals with Tukey depth, Methods in Ecology and Evolution, online.
P Clemente, M Calvache, P Antunes, R Santos, JO Cerdeira, MJ Martins, Combining social media photographs and species distribution models to map cultural ecosystem services: the case of a natural park in Portugal, Ecological Indicators 96 (2019) 59-58.
T Monteiro-Henriques, MJ Martins, JO Cerdeira, PC Silva, P Arsénio, A Silva, A Bellu, JC Costa, Bioclimatological mapping tackling uncertainty propagation: application to mainland Portugal International Journal of Climatology 36 (2016) 400-411.
FS Dias, MN Bugalho, PM Rodríguez-González, A Albuquerque, JO Cerdeira, Effects of forest certification on the ecological condition of Mediterranean streams, Journal of Applied Ecology 52 (2015) 190-198.
PC Silva, JO Cerdeira, MJ Martins and T Monteiro Henriques Data depth for the uniform distribution, Environmental and Ecological Statistics 21 (2014) 27-39.
JO Cerdeira, T Monteiro-Henriques, MJ Martins, PC Silva, D Alagador and A Franco, Mathematical contributions to link biota with environment, Journal of Vegetation Science 25 (2014) 1148-1153.
R Heleno, C Garcia, P Jordano, A Traveset, JM Gómez, N Blüthgen, J Memmott, M Moora, JO Cerdeira, S Rodríguez-Echeverría, H Freitas, JM Olesen, Ecological networks: delving into the architecture of biodiversity, Biology Letters 10 (2014) 20131000.
F Aguiar, JO Cerdeira, MJ Martins and MT Ferreira, Riparian forests of Southwest Europe: are functional trait and species composition assemblages constrained by environment?, Journal of Vegetation Science 24 (2013) 628-638.
Paula, J., Bispo, R., Leite, A., Pereira, P., Costa, H., Fonseca, C., Marcarenhas, M. & Bernardino, J. (2015) Camera-trapping as a methodology to assess the persistence of wildlife carcasses resulting from collisions with human-made structures. Wildlife Research, 41(8):717-725
Bernardino, J., Bispo, R., Costa, H. & Mascarenhas, M. (2013) Estimating bird and bat fatality at wind farms: a practical overview of estimators, their assumptions and limitations. New Zealand Journal of Zoology, 40:63-74
Marques, T.A., Buckland, S.T., Bispo, R. & Howland, B. (2013) Accounting for animal density gradients using independent information in distance sampling surveys. Statistical Methods & Applications, 22:67-80.
Bispo, R., Bernardino, J., Marques, T. A. & Pestana, D. (2013) Modeling carcass removal time for avian mortality assessment in wind farms using survival analysis. Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 20:147-165.
Natário I, Oliveira MM, Marques S (2014). Using INLA to Estimate a Highly Dimensional Spatial Model for Forest Fires in Portugal. In New Advances in Statistical Modeling and Applications - Studies in Theoretical and Applied Statistics. Editors: António Pacheco, Rui Santos, Maria do Rosário Oliveira, Carlos Daniel Paulino. Pp. 239-247. Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-05323-3_23
Oliveira MM, Natário I, Marques S, Garcia-Gonzalo J, Botequim B, Borges JG, Tomé M, Pereira JM, Tomé J, Demétrio CGB (2013). Aplicações Estatísticas em Análise de Catástrofes Naturais. In Matemática do Planeta Terra, Edts Fernando Pestana da Costa, João Teixeira Pinto, Jorge Buescu. IST Press. Lisboa.
Morais, JV; Custodio, AL ; Marques, GM; Calibration of parameters in Dynamic Energy Budget models using Direct-Search methods, JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL BIOLOGY, VOLUME: 78, ISSUE: 5, PAGES: 1439-1458, (2019)
Aguiar, M. (2018) Dengue vaccination: a more ethical approach is needed. Lancet. 2018 May 5;391(10132):1769-1770
Aguiar, Maira; Stollenwerk, Nico. (2018) Dengvaxia: age as surrogate for serostatus Lancet Infect Dis. 2018 Mar;18(3):245.
Aguiar, Maira; Stollenwerk, Nico. Dengvaxia Efficacy Dependency on Serostatus: A Closer Look at More Recent Data. Clin Infect Dis. 2018 Feb 1;66(4):641-642
Aguiar, Maira; Halstead, Scott B.; Stollenwerk, Nico. Consider stopping dengvaxia administration without immunological screening. Expert Rev Vaccines. 2017 Apr;16(4):301-302
Aguiar, Maira; Stollenwerk, Nico; Halstead, Scott B. The Impact of the Newly Licensed Dengue Vaccine in Endemic Countries. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2016 Dec 21;10(12):e000517
Aguiar, Maira; Stollenwerk, Nico; Halstead, Scott B. The risks behind Dengvaxia recommendation Lancet Infect Dis. 2016 Aug;16(8):882-3
Halstead, Scott B.; Aguiar, Maira. Dengue vaccine and the 2016 Olympics. Lancet. 2016 Jul 16;388(10041):237-8
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Rocha, Filipe; Mateus, Luis; Skwara, Urszula; et al. Understanding dengue fever dynamics: a study of seasonality in vector-borne disease models. INT J OF COMP MATH 2016. 93(8):1405-1422
Aguiar, Mara; Coelho, Giovanini Evelim; Rocha, Filipe; et al. Dengue transmission during the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil. Lancet Infect Dis. 2015 Jul;15(7):765-6
Aguiar, M.; Paul, R.; Sakuntabhai, A.; et al. Are we modelling the correct dataset? Minimizing false predictions for dengue fever in Thailand. Epidemiol Infect. 2014 Nov;142(11):2447-59
Kooi, Bob W.; Aguiar, Maira; Stollenwerk, Nico . Analysis of an asymmetric two-strain dengue model. Math Biosci. 2014 Feb;248:128-39
Rocha, Filipe; Aguiar, Maira; Souza, Max; et al. Time-scale separation and centre manifold analysis describing vector-borne disease dynamics. INT J OF COMP MATH. 2016 Oct. 90(10): 2105-2125
P. Doutor, P. Rodrigues, M. d. C. Soares, and F. A. C. C. Chalub. Optimal vaccination strategies and rational behaviour in seasonal epidemics. J. Math. Biol., 73(6-7):1437–1465, DEC 2016.
Pinho, S.T.R., Rodrigues, P., Andrade, R.F.S., Serra, H., Lopes, J.S., Gomes, M.G.M. (2015) Impact Of Tuberculosis Treatment Length And Adherence Under Different Transmission Intensities Theor Popul Biol 104 : 68-77.
Lopes JS, Rodrigues P, Pinho ST, Andrade RF, Duarte R, Gomes MG. (2014) Interpreting measures of tuberculosis transmission: a case study on the Portuguese population. BMC Infect Dis. 2014 Jun 18;14:340.
Rodrigues P, Silva CJ, Torres DF. (2014) Cost-effectiveness analysis of optimal control measures for tuberculosis. Bull Math Biol. 2014 Oct;76(10):2627-45.
Fabio A.C.C. Chalub and Max O. Souza. Fitness potentials and qualitative properties of the Wright-Fisher dynamics. J. Theor. Biol., 457:57 – 65, 2018.
Fabio A. C. C. Chalub and Max O. Souza. On the stochastic evolution of finite populations. J. Math. Biol., 75(6-7):1735–1774, 2017
Juliana Gonçalves, Elsa E. Moreira, Inês Sequeira, António Rodrigues, José Rueff, Aldina Brás: Integration of HIV in the Human Genome: Which Sites Are Preferential? A Genetic and Statistical Assessment. International Journal of Genomics 2016, vol. 2016
Inês J. Sequeira, Juliana Gonçalves, Elsa E. Moreira, João T. Mexia, José Rueff, Aldina Brás: Genetic and Statistical Study of HIV Integration in the Human Genome. AIP Conference Proceedings. ICNAAM 2013 - 11th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, Rhodes, Greece, 2013
P. C. Rodrigues, A. Monteiro, and V. M. Lourenco. A robust AMMI model for the analysis of genotype-by-environment data. Bioinformatics, 32(1):58–66, JAN 1 2016.
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Luis L Ferrás, Neville J Ford, Maria L Morgado, Joao M Nóbrega, Magda S Rebelo, Fractional Pennes’ bioheat equation: theoretical and numerical studies, Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis, Vol.18, Issue 4, 1080-1106 (2015)
Sofia D Karamintziou; Ana Luisa Custodio ; Brigitte Piallat; Mircea Polosan; Stephan Chabardes; Pantelis G Stathis; George A Tagaris; Damianos E Sakas; Georgia E Polychronaki; George L Tsirogiannis; Olivier David; Konstantina S Nikita; Algorithmic design of a noise-resistant and efficient closed-loop deep brain stimulation system: A computational approach, PLOS ONE, VOLUME: 12, ISSUE: 2, 2017