What's New

XXVI Encontro Nacional da SPQ

O XXVI Encontro Nacional da SPQ will be held at the Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade do Porto, on July, 21 to 23, and will be dedicated to the Periodic Table, focusing on the following topics:
1. The Periodic table and the Elements of Life (health, nutrition and environment)
2. Luminescent Periodic Table (materials, energy and nanotechnologies)
3. The Periodic Table in the class room (communication, culture and teaching)
The SPQ Head and the organising committee invite all members of the national chemical community to participate in the XXVI Encontro Nacional da SPQ
More details here!

EuChemS Periodic Table of Element Scarcity

A new, rather different, version of the Periodic Table was developed by Professor David J. Cole-Hamilton team at EuChemS, aiming to illustrate Element Scarcity.

This Periodic Table is available for free download here  (please note that the work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution NoDerivs CC BY-ND).

You can find out quite a bit about it in this video.

Read more and play the video game here.

The World's Biggest Periodic Table

The Spanish University of Murcia has decorated its Chemistry Department building with a giant tribute to Dmitri Mendeleiev’s genius. The structure covers approximately 150m2 in total, and comprises 118 75×75cm metal squares.
This may be the world’s largest (permanent) periodic table ever!

[Image from Chemistry World]

"Loterías y apuestas"

The "Loterías y Apuestas" (Lottery Draw) from Spain joined the commemorations of the IYPT! The draw will be on March 3, 2019.