Presentations at the symposium span diverse arrays of topics, including fossil egg taxonomy, taphonomy, morphology, biogeography, eggshell function, and dinosaur ontogeny. Presentations are not on dinosaurs only, as sessions on other amniotes eggs and amniotes reproduction and development are frequent.
Abstracts are to be submitted in English. As in previous editions of the Symposium, the articles derived of the presented abstracts will be publish as a special volume of Historical Biology ( Abstract acceptance does not guarantee that the final article will be accepted, as the normal editorial and peer review process will take place for all papers submitted to the special volume.
Abstracts are limited to 300 words, excluding title and authors. Abstracts may include a brief paragraph of acknowledgments, up to 30 words, and starting with the word ‘Acknowledgments’ followed by columns (such as ‘Acknowledgments:’). No references images or tables should be included in the abstract.
Use all capital letters and 12-point Arial bold or Helvetica bold type for the title.
Include full author names in a separated line, in 12-ponit Helvetica or Arial regular type. Denote the corresponding author with an asterisk (*).
Include brief addresses for all authors, in 10-ponit Helvetica or Arial regular type, using consecutive numbers for denoting author addresses. Include an email address for the presenting author.
Use Arial or Helvetica font, 10-point type for the body text.
A template for the abstract can be found in this link: call_for_abstracts_template.docx
Submit your abstract: emailing a *.docx or *.odt file to
Submit any questions to