
The Department of Mathematics of NOVA School of Science and Technology (NOVA-SST), with the support of the NOVA MATH, will host the 4th edition of the Winter School Mathmasters, from 17th to 19th January of 2022.

This school will take place on site in the auditorium/cinema (building V) at NOVA-SST in Caparica campus.

Mathmasters School is aimed at all students attending a degree in Mathematics, Engineering, Economics or Management and who are considering complementing their training with a Master's degree in pure or applied Mathematics.

Students will have the opportunity to contact with advanced themes of several distinct areas of Mathematics that could be studied in more depth in one of the MSc offered by the Department of Mathematics of NOVA-SST. This is also an opportunity to meet some of the researchers of the Department of Mathematics, some Alumni as well some companies looking for these training profiles in a session dedicated to corporate partnerships.

The school is organized in eight sessions of 90 minutes each, comprising a short presentation of the MSc corresponding to the scientific domain of the session, as well as short lectures made by Professors and former students of the MSc. There will also be a session in which different companies will present proposals for themes and challenges that could be developed within the scope of Master's theses or even internship opportunities that could be carried out in conjunction with Master's Degrees. In this 4th edition the themes are the following:

  1. Fundamentally  Mathematics
  2. What is an Actuary?
  3. Statistics: What may Teleworkers and Clams have in common?
  4. Operations Research in the Service of Industry
  5. Computational Mathematical Finance
  6. Analytics and Big Data
  7. Estatística para a Saúde (MSc in portuguese)
  8. Ensino da Matemática (MSc in portuguese)
  9. Parceiros: Presentes e Futuros

You can participate in all the courses of the School or on those of your interest. Please register here(closed).