The Scientific Committee encourages the submission of abstracts, to be considered in sessions proposals or individual contributed talks, contributions on a range of themes related to the transnational dimension concerning the Historical analyses of the links between tropical medicine and international health in the post-World War II, particularly in Portuguese-African-Asian-Brazilian context and relations, on a range of themes addressing the following topics:
Abstracts and presentations should be in English or in Portuguese (without simultaneous translation).
A Symposium can have as many papers as the organizer wants. The papers will grouped in groups of four (e.g. 8 papers means two sessions of 4).
You must use the template below for submitting the abstracts.
If you submit a stand-alone paper use the template for the abstract.
If you submit a session please use the template for sessions and templates for the abstracts and send all together.
The length (time) of each talk is 20 min. The organizer must be identified. This is the person who takes the initiative, carries on the process and organizes the sessions including the presentation of each speaker (two lines CV).
Individuals may submit only one abstract as a single author. Individuals may co-author two abstracts. The same rules apply to organizers.
One person can organize one session (including more than 1 part), or possibly co-organize two.
Each person can be the author of only one paper or, if written jointly, of no more than two papers.
You may use the web (e.g. Mersenne) to announce your proposal.