Conference organizer: NOVA.ID.FCT
Bank: Millennium BCP
Address: Rua Aurea, 130, Piso 3, 1100-063 Lisboa/ Portugal
IBAN: PT50 0033 0000 4545 3868 940 05
Please make sure that:
A. The fee should be transferred to the conference organizer in one single payment;
B. The bank transfer should be made net of all bank charges and commissions;
C. Your name should be clearly stated in the form of the bank transfer (ex: name_2LBMHTM conference) in order to ensure that the payment will be correctly registered;
D. Payments without clear identification (name of the participant) cannot be considered;
E. Registration is not considered complete until full payment of the fees is made.
Registration will be confirmed by e-mail, upon receipt of the registration form and after the fee payment is done.
Invoices, Receipts and Certificates will be delivered at the Conference venue.
At the registration desk the certificate will be available for all participants.
Cancellation of participation should be made by email addressed to our Local Secrétariat.
For cancellations received until July 10, 2015, a cancellation EUR 50 fee of will be charged. Later cancellations are non refundable. If you are unable to attend the meeting, your registration may be transferred to a colleague within your own organization. Please inform our local Secrétariat of your cancellation by email: