At Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Secretariat opening
Opening Session (Library's Auditorium)
Inaugural Conference
"New Enemies - Global Health after the Second World War"
Moderator Isabel Amaral (Congress President, FCT/UNL) |
Speaker João Neto (Pharmacy Museum Director) |
Exhibition Opening
"Tropics, Knowledge and Medical Practices"
Session 1 - Institutional Politics and networks in Public Health
Board Meeting Room, Building I
Comentator: Magali Romero de Sá (Fiocruz)
Moderator: Isabel Amaral
Debbie McCollin, The Allied Effort: World War II and Public Health in the British West Indies
Darwin Stapleton, The Rockefeller Foundation’s Anti-Typhus Project in Spain: Lessons Learned and First Steps
David Macfadyen, The influence of Brazilian public health of the 1930s on the structures of postwar global health
Socrates Litsios, How WHO managed to ignore Tropical Medicine during its early decades
Session 2 - Tropical Medicine in the context of the WWI
Room 1.13, Building VII
Comentator: Ana Cristina Roque (CHUL)
Moderator: Margarida Portela (Instituto de História Contemporênea, UNL)
Margarida Portela, Tropical Medicine in Africa or “What we know today is more than yesterday, but less than tomorrow".
Graça Barradas, The Health Services of the Military Expeditions to Angola and Mozambique. Medical records in time of war.
Carlos Lopes, German or germs: which the worst enemies in Africa?
Ângela Salgueiro, University and Science in wartime. The mobilization of the Portuguese Academia during World War One.
Francisco Miguel Araújo, Tropical Medicine in Portuguese Africa: contributions of Américo Pires de Lima.
Session 3 – Knowing, fighting and Treating Leprosy: actors, networks, knowledge, practices and territories
Room 1.3, Building VII
Comentator: Luís Costa (CRIA, CIUHCT)
Moderator: Laurinda Maciel (Fiocruz)
Ana María Carrillo, The Institute of Public Health and Tropical Diseases and the study of leprosy in Mexico.
Nadja Paraense dos Santos, Angelo da Cunha Pinto, Sapucainha oil in the fight against leprosy in Brazil: from Theodoro Peckolt to Pablo Seabra
Yara Nogueira Monteiro, Leprosy laws in Brazil and São paulo from the colonial times to today: critical study.
Coffee break
Session 4 - Institutional Politics and networks in Public Health
Room 1.13, Building VII
Comentator: Juliana Manzoni (Casa de Oswaldo Cruz)
Moderator: José Luís Câmara Leme (FCT-UNL/CIUHCT)
Jean-Paul Bado, Empirico-Metaphysical Medicine and Modern Medicine in Africa.
Ivone Manzali de Sá, The international scientific cooperation between Brazil and China in the 1980s
Paloma Porto Silva, Rockefeller Foundation in Minas Gerais: transnational elements of actuation (1916-1954).
Maria Gabriela S.M.C. Marinho, The Rockefeller Foundation and Tropical Medicine in São Paulo. Circuits, networks and Character of Medical Parasitology, Microbiology and Pathological Anatomy (1918-1969).
Session 5 - Knowing, fighting and Treating Leprosy: actors, networks, knowledge, practices and territories
Room 1.3, Building VII
Comentator: Laurinda Maciel (fiocruz)
Moderator: Ana Maria Carrillo (Universidade Autonoma Mexico)
Hines Mabika, Fighting Leprosy in the 20th-Century Africa. Knowledge, Attitudes, and Networks.
Cristiana Bastos, Between Empires and between times: Froilano de Melo and the leprosy in India.
Luiz Maurício de Abreu Arruda, Fights and Struggles against the installation of Igua Colony in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (1935-1953).
Departure to Lisbon
Visit to the Pharmacy Museum
At Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Secretariat opening
Plenary conference
Latin America, the United States, and Europe in the early 20th century
Moderator Jaime Benchimol (Congress President/Fiocruz) |
Speaker Stefan Rinke (Free University of Berlin) |
Coffee break
Session 6 - Institutional Politics and networks in Public Health
MIT Room, Building VII
Comentator: Rômulo de Paula Andrade (Fiocruz)
Moderator: Moderador: Paula Urze (FCT-UNL/CIUHCT)
Tamara Rangel Vieira, Between offices and laboratories : Chagas disease, clinical expertise and Goias medicine (1950-1960).
Denis Guedes Jogas Junior, An American disease? Circulation of knowledge and scientific controversy about the leishmaniasis in the south American continent (1909-1927).
Juliana Manzoni, Biological products and Tropical Medicine in Brazil - Germany relations : the case of the vaccine for Chagas disease.
Magali Romero Sá, Migration, circulation and spread of diseases: onchocerciasis in Africa and the Americas.
Session 7 - Institutional Politics and networks in Public Health
Room 1.13, Building VII
Comentator: Rita Pemberton (University of West Indies)
Moderator: Jaime Benchimol (Fiocruz)
Eliane Cristina Deckmann Fleck, “So that the young Paraguayan medics exercise a double mission, scientific and patriotic”: the contribution of the naturalist and botanist Moisés Santiago Bertoni (La civilización Guaraní, 1922-1927).
Roberto Zaugg, The French wars in Egypt and the Caribbean and the development of colonial medicine.
Philipp Teichfischer, German physicians as members of the Netherlands Colonial Health Service in East India (1815–1884).
Miguelhete J. Lisboa, Giuliano Russo, Maria do Rosário Martins, Health Transition and New Challenges to the Health Systems: A Look at Mozambique.
Session 8 – Tropical Medicine and Environment
Room 1.3, Building VII
Comentator: Bruno Navarro (CIUHCT)
Moderator: Maria Luísa Sousa (CIUHCT)
Denise Bernuzzi de Sant’Anna, Utilizations of water in São Paulo – 1850-1920.
Ana Paula Silva, Integrated plans, artificial lakes and tropical medicine - the case of Cahora Bassa.
Sandro Dutra e Silva & Carlos Hassel Mendes da Silva, Migration, deforestation and health Goiás : medical practice in the national agricultural colony of Goiás (1941-1959).
Session 9 – Knowledge and Medical Practices
MIT Room, Building VII
Comentator: Ana Carneiro (FCT-UNL/CIUHCT)
Moderator: Teresa Salomé Mota (CIUHCT)
Ana Karine Martins Garcia, Medical writing: perspective of the medical center of Ceará through the journal Ceará Médico (1913 - 1935).
Maria Jose Montoya Durana, Press and Medical Practice in Colombian Newspaper “La Lanceta” (1852).
Diego Peral & FJ Suárez-Guzmán, Health policies in southwest Extremadura (Spain): Yellow fever in the nineteenth century.
Session 10 – Tropical Medicine and Environment
Room 1.13, Building VII
Comentator: Maria Paula Diogo (FCT-UNL/CIUHCT)
Moderator: Tamara Vieira (Fiocruz)
Ana Cristina Roque, Endemic and epidemic diseases in Lourenço Marques in the early 20th century: forms of control versus urban development.
Rita Pemberton, Environmental Considerations in the Policies and Practice of Medicine in Trinidad and Tobago, 1945-1962.
Rômulo de Paula Andrade, Malaria in green hell: health in Amazon at the era of the development (1952-1966).
Claudia Teresa Vieira de Souza et al, Innovations in the production of knowledge in infectious diseases : history, art, culture and epidemiology.
Session 11 - Knowing, fighting and Treating Leprosy: actors, networks, knowledge, practices and territories
Room 1.13, Building VII
Comentator: Cristina Bastos (Instituto de Ciências Sociais, UL)
Moderator: Luís Costa (CRIA/CIUHCT)
Laurinda Maciel, Health policies for leprosy in Brazil: the compulsory isolation and government financial redress from 2007.
Keila Carvalho, From endemic disease to a national scourge. The medicalization for leprosy in Brazil.
Giovana Galvão Tavares et al., Leprosy lives on the hill: the "refuge" of lepers in Anapolis, Goias, Brazil (1930 – 1970).
Lilian Dutra, Orphans of public health : oral history of a generation achieved by leprosy control policy in Brazil.
Coffee break
Roundtable — at the IHMT's Lecture Hall
A Converging World? Advances and Drawbacks in Worldwide Development
Darwin Stapleton
(Massachusetts University, Boston)
Ema Paulino (Order of Pharmacists, Portugal)
Stefan Rinke (Free University of Berlin)
Paulo Gadelha (Oswaldo Cruz Foundation)
Francisco George (General Directorate of Health)
Luís Sambo (Health Ministry of Angola)
Fernando Nobre (AMI)
Congress Dinner (at the Museu do Oriente restaurant)
At Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical da Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Secretariat opening
Session 12 - The contribution of Vital Brazil to Tropical Medicine: From poisoning to the specificity of serum therapy
IHMT's Lecture Hall
Comentator: Zulmira Hartz (IHMT)
Moderator: Isabel Amaral (FCT-UNL/CIUHCT)
Rejane M. Lira da Silva, Otto Wucherer and Vital brazil: The begining of research on ophidism in Brazil.
Rosany Bochner, The specificity of anti-venomous serotherapy: a dialogue between france and Brazil.
Luis Eduardo Ribeiro da Cunha, 120 years of the anti-ophidic serum therapy.
Erico Vital Brazil, Tania Kobler Brazil, Vital Brazil - A trajectory to be relearned.
Session 13 – Knowledge and Medical Practices
Fraga de Azevedo Room
Comentator: Eliane Fleck (Unisinos, Porto Alegre)
Moderator: Ana Carneiro (FCT-UNL/CIUHCT)
Wellington Bernardelli Silva Filho, The Brazilian nature in João de Jesus Maria’s Pharmacopoeias.
David Felismino & Palmira Carvalho, 'To examine a plant in not enough to take a branch': a 'medicinal flora' novel of the nineteenth century.
Célia Cabral; Lígia Salgueiro; João Rui Pita, Quina and quinine from S. Tome and Príncipe (19th-20th centuries): cultivation of the wrong species
Célia Cabral; Lígia Salgueiro; João Rui Pita, The research with tropical medicinal plants in the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Coimbra (1902-1978).
Coffee break
Session 14 – Archives and Museums: documents and collections
IHMT's Lecture Hall
Comentator: Marta Lourenço (MUNHAC, CIUHCT)
Moderator: Rita Lobo (CIUHCT)
Ana Luisa Moreira Silva et al, Digital Content Management: Parasitology collection of Professor Amilcar Vianna Martins.
Rita Guerra; I. Cavadas Oliveira & H. Rebelo-de-Andrade, Collection of Malaria at the Health Museum in Lisbon.
André Mota, Jorge Augusto Carreta, The utilization of wax-up at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of São Paulo (1930-1950).
Pedro Paulo Soares, Inês Santos Nogueira, The artifacts of tropical medicine in the Fundação Oswaldo Cruz museum collection.
Session 15 – Rethinking the combat of Sleeping Sickness and Public Health in the colonial context
Fraga de Azevedo Room
Comentator: Philip Havik (IHMT, UNL)
Moderator: Cláudia Castelo (CIUHCT)
Sebastião Nuno Silva, The Eradication of Sleeping Sickness on the Island of Príncipe.
Luiz Damas Mora, António Damas Mora, a Portuguese doctor in tropics.
Ana Cristina Oliveira, Jorge Afonso, José Luís Dória, Antonio Carvalho de Figueiredo: public health and exotic pathology in the transition to the XX century.
Session 16 – Rethinking the combat of Sleeping Sickness and Public Health in the colonial context
Fraga de Azevedo Room
Comentator: Jorge Seixas (IHMT, UNL)
Moderator: Philip Havik (IHMT, UNL)
Samuel Coghe, A National Style' of Combating Sleeping Sickness? Mass Atoxylization in Interwar Angola.
Jaime L. Benchimol, Doctor Thomas: from atoxyl to a peculiar trajectory in the Amazon.
Philip Havik, From Colonial Intervention to International Cooperation: the historical evolution of the IHMT after 1945.
Isabel Amaral, Impact of WW2 in Portuguese Tropical Medicine – the case of Aldo Castellani (1946-1972)
Session 17 - Actors, Pathogens, Diseases and Institutions
IHMT's Lecture Hall
Comentator: José Luís Dória (IHMT, UNL)
Moderator: Catarina Madruga (CIUHCT)
Ewerton Luiz Figueiredo Moura da Silva, From dream to madness: Portuguese immigrants in the Juquery Hospital , São Paulo (1930).
Heliel Gomes de Carvalho, Sandro Dutra e Silva, Giovana Galvão Tavares, Health and confessionality: the physician James Fanstone and the medicine in Goiás (1920-1940).
Karoline Carula, Doctors and breastfeeding in Brazil in the late XIXth century.
Cláudia Polubriaginof & Paulo Fernando de Souza Campos, Conduct of women: women and psychiatry in intellectual production of Pacheco Silva (1923-1937).
João Schwalbach, The Hospital of Mozambique.
Closing Session
IHMT's Lecture Hall
Closing Conference
The World Health Organization as Developed Country Largesse: Historical events, Metropolitan Fantasies or Historiographical Tyranny?
Moderator Magali Romero Sá (Fiocruz) |
Speaker Sanjoy Battacharya (University of York) |
Exhibit Opening
"Physicist Photographers"
(By Clara Ramalhão and João Schawalbach)
General Assembly
Fraga de Azevedo Room