The deadline for the registration for the conference is the 22nd of May of 2017.
In case of any later request for registration, acceptance will be subject to seats availability.
Full Conference | Dinner | |
Regular attendant | 150 € | 50 € |
Student | 50 € | 50 € |
Registration fees include:
Participants who are registering for the whole GLASSAC 2017 conference do not need to register separately for the Special Day dedicated to Post Roman Glass in the Iberian Peninsula.
Os participantes que se pretendam registar para toda a conferência GLASSAC 2017 não precisam de se registar para dia 6 de Junho, para as Jornadas dedicadas ao Vidro Pós-Romano na Península Ibérica.
Los asistentes que se registren en el congreso GLASSAC 2017 no precisan de inscribirse nuevamente para la jornada del 6 de junio dedicada al vidrio Post-Romano en la Península Ibérica.
To register for the conference please fill in the form and send us a proof of payment.