The Ibero-American Congress on the History of Mathematics Education (CIHEM) is a biennial academic and scientific event whose objective lies in consolidating a broad community with a diversity of interests in this topic. In the different editions of CIHEM, groups of researchers, educators, mathematicians, historians, or a total or partial integration of these converged, intending to disseminate high-impact research results obtained by institutional or individual initiatives from different universities.
CIHEM was held in Portugal (Covilhã, 2011), Mexico (Cancún, 2013), Brazil (Belém do Pará, 2015), Spain (Múrcia, 2017), Colombia(Bogotá, 2019), Venezuela (Virtual, 2021) and Costa Rica (Heredia, 2023), spaces where the increase in studies on the History of Mathematics Education in the Ibero-American context was confirmed.
Interest in the History of Mathematics Education, and other related disciplines, has been manifested through involvement in international commissions, the formation and consolidation of working and research groups, the editing of special issues in research journals, and even the appearance of special issues in research journals. specific magazines.
The History of Mathematics Education is an area of research and professional practice that has seen great development at an international level. The integration of the History of Mathematics Education in the teaching and learning of mathematics, at different levels and educational modalities, has achieved important results for the initial and continuing training of teachers in mathematics, as well as for their professional development as teachers in schools.

Ibero-American Commission on the History of Mathematicas Education
Alejandra Deriard (Argentina)
Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero, Argentina
David Costa (Brasil)
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brasil
Dolores Carrillo (Espanha)
Universidad de Murcia, Espanha
Edgar Alberto Guacaneme (Colômbia)
Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, Colômbia
Encarna Sanchez (Espanha)
Universidad de Murcia, Espanha
Eliene Barbosa Lima (Brasil)
Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana, Brasil
Fredy Gonzalez (Venezuela)
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil
Flor Rodriguez (México)
Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero, México 
José Manuel Matos (Portugal)
Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Portugal
Mária Almeida (Portugal)
CICS.NOVA, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Portugal
Miguel Picado (Costa Rica)
Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica, Costa Rica
Wagner Valente (Brasil)
Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Brasil