Both the oral and posters presentations will take place at the Department of Mathematics ("Departamento de Matemática", Building VII in the campus of FCT NOVA).
You may download good quality logos of the Workshop here.
Presenters' should fill this form with its short biography and send it back to the organisation, to be distributed by session's chairs.
Regular oral presentations are scheduled for 20 minutes, while invited presentations are scheduled for 30 minutes. This includes introducing the presenter, as well as a period for questions/answers. Therefore, talks are limited to 15 minutes, in regular presentations, and 25 minutes, in invited presentations.
All presentations will take place in Room 1.D. Please show up in the room 15 minutes before starting the session.
A computer will be available in the room for the presentations.
Bring your PowerPoint or PDF presentation on a USB memory stick, so it can be loaded to the computer (this can be done at any time, just contact organisers on site). If using a different application, please let organisers know in advance, before the Workshop. If your presentation includes video films, make sure to check previously, with organisers, that they will display properly.
If bringing your own laptop computer, make sure it has a VGA socket for external signal. Otherwise, check previously with the organisers the availability of an adapter.
In case you are a Mac user and will not bring your laptop, please be sure to make a presentation that is PC compatible, by using common fonts (e.g. Arial or Times New Roman) and inserting pictures as JPG files.
To foster discussion, all oral presenters are invited to present their work also as a poster. This will be done in an electronic mupi, without the need for a "physical" poster, and presentations will be done in parallel with the regular poster session. If you are interested in this opportunity for a close discussion with the audience, please contact the organisation not later than 20 June and send us your poster in PDF format.
Presenters will hang posters when arriving at the conference, starting from 26 June.
Posters will be displayed in the lobby of the Department of Mathematics and may remain there until the end of the Workshop, on 29 June.
Presenters should be near their own posters during the poster session, which will take place 28 June from 1:45 pm to 3:45 pm.
Posters should be no larger than A0 format and are restricted to portrait (vertical) orientation.