We just received the sad new that Prof. Seabra Pereira passed away yesterday. He was a keynote speaker in our 1st Doctoral Conference and a member of the thesis committee of Susana Martins Moretto. We send our deepest condolences to his family and colleagues.
He was presently Senior Researcher at IDMEC – Instituto de Engenharia Mecanica, Instituto Superior Técnico. Full Professor (until 2011) and Head of Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Instituto Superior Técnico, Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal (2008-2011). Senior research and innovation consultant for REFER, the Portuguese Rail infrastructure manager. Was Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs at the Technical University of Lisbon, 2003-2007.
Thirty years of experience in Structural Analysis and Machine Design. Has been involved in complex design projects in railway vehicle technology. Has been actively cooperating with leading European railway operators and train manufacturing industries in accident statistics, railway dynamics, comfort studies and train crashworthiness, passive safety, pantograph/catenary dynamics, railway dynamics.
Presently member of the Editorial board of three International Journals; National delegate to the Transport Program in the EU 7th Framework Program; Chairman of the Mechanical Engineering Committee for PhD scholarships at Fundação para a Ciencia e Tecnologia, Vice-Chairman of the ERRAC – European Rail Research Advisory Council; Chairman of the Council of EURNEX – The European Rail Research Network of Excellence. Over 150 technical publications in refereed journals and conference proceedings. Co-author of one book and Co-editor of five books.