
Marta Candeias (IST-UL, CICS.NOVA) , Caparica, 20-04-2021:

Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing: implications on productivity and employment in Portugal

Marta Candeias (IST-UL, CICS.NOVA)

Manuel Souto (Univ. Aveiro), Caparica, 20-04-2021:

For a public policymaking informed in scientific knowledge, for a scientific knowledge at the service of society (Ciencia en el Parlamento, España)

Paulo Madeira (ANI, CICS.NOVA), Caparica, 20-04-2021:

Indicador “Despesa Privada em I&D”: Como quadruplicar o investimento em I&D das empresas numa dúzia de anos?

Paulo Madeira (ANI, CICS.NOVA)

Hannot Rodríguez (Uni. Basque Country, UPV/EHU), Caparica, 20-04-2021:

New developments in responsible innovation: RRI, openness and anticipation

Sofia Romeiro (Compra, CICS.NOVA), Caparica, 19-04-2021:

Responsible technology assessment:  an inclusive and anticipatory process

Débora Freire (FCT Nova, CICS.NOVA), Caparica, 19-04-2021:

Technological Risks and Opportunities in the use of LTE and 5G private networks by public agencies in smart city scenarios

Julian Perelman (ENSP NOVA), Monte de Caparica, 30-06-2017:

Comissão de Avaliação de Tecnologias de Saúde: avaliação farmacoeconómica

José Bonfim e Tiago Santos Pereira (FCT), Monte de Caparica, 30-06-2017:

Elaboração de Agendas de Investigação e Inovação

Elisabete Semedo (CICS.NOVA), Monte de Caparica, 30-06-2017:

TIC wearables em saúde e o futuro da auto-gestão da diabetes em Portugal

Ana Ferreira e Ana Roque Dantas (CICS.NOVA, FCSH NOVA), Monte de Caparica, 30-06-2017:

Learning by failing determines innovative and financial performance of Knowledge Intensive Services firms

António Brandão Moniz (FCT NOVA, ITAS-KIT, CICS.NOVA), Monte de Caparica, 30-06-2017:

New industry processes, new safety issues... but a new interaction with machines?

Jens Schippl (ITAS-KIT), Monte de Caparica

“Scenarios on eco-efficient transport for Europa:  a structured approach for involving stakeholders in TA processes”

Manuel Baumann (PhD student), Monte de Caparica

Constructive Technology Assessment of Stationary electro-chemical Energy Storage Systems: Methodological developments and first outcomes

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology – Institute of Technology Assessment and System Analysis, Universidade Nova de Lisboa - Faculty of Science and Technology

Supervisors:   Dr.-Ing. Marcel Weil
                          Prof. Dr. Antonio Moniz

Bettina Krings (ITAS-KIT), Monte de Caparica

Interaction of humans and machine – perspectives of Technology Assessment

Isabel Marques Rosa (CESNOVA, PhD student), Monte de Caparica

EEG – Um Instrumento para Avaliar o que se Consegue Ouvir?