
Torsten Fleischer (ITAS-KIT), Monte de Caparica

Nanotechnology as a Matter of TA: On expansions, reductions and distractions


Ventseslav Kozarev (Sofia University), Monte de Caparica

Corporate Strategies for Social Responsiveness and Responsibility in Technological Innovation: Analysis of Global 500 Companies’ Sustainability Reports

Maria João Maia (PhD student), Monte de Caparica

How the decision making process is made in Radiology:  a TA approach

Supervisor: Prof. António Brandão Moniz (ITAS / KIT)
Co-Supervisor: Prof. Michael Decker (ITAS / KIT)

Nuno Boavida (ITAS-KIT e CESNOVA, PhD student), Monte de Caparica

“Technology Decision in innovation processes – The role of scientific evidences and indicators”

Miltos Ladikas (ITAS-KIT), Monte de Caparica
Ethics in Responsible Governance of S&T; a global perspective
Susana Moretto (PhD student), Monte de Caparica

Which relation with the high-­speed train technological development? A strategic intelligent management tool      

Supervisor:  Prof. A.B. Moniz (FCT-UNL)    
Co-­supervisors:  Prof. M.S. Pereira (IST-UTL), Prof R. Macário  (IST-UTL)

Jens Schippl (ITAS-KIT), Monte de Caparica

“Scenarios on eco-efficient transport for Europa:  a structured approach for involving stakeholders in TA processes”