Book of abstracts (2015.12.10)
Addition to the book of abstracts (2015.12.14)
Invited Speakers:
Grégoire Allaire, Robust shape optimization with small uncertainties
Hugo Beirão da Veiga, On some regularity results for elliptic boundary value problems
Jean-Michel Bismut, Hypoelliptic Laplacian and the calculus of variations
Guy Bouchitté, A new class of costs in optimal transport planning
Giuseppe Buttazzo, Dirichlet-Neumann shape optimization problems
Doina Cioranescu, Homogenization for inner boundary conditions with equi-valued surfaces via unfolding
Carlos Conca, Detection of a moving rigid solid in a perfect fluid
João-Paulo Dias, Coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equations with a gauge potential
Patrizia Donato, Asymptotic analysis of the approximate control for parabolic equations with periodic interface
Irene Fonseca, A Chromaticity-Brightness Model for Denoising of Color Images
Ilaria Fragalà, Boundary value problems for the infinity Laplacian: regularity and geometric results
Gilles Francfort, Periodic and stochastic homogenization in linear elasticity
Antonio Gaudiello, Homogenization of the brush problem with a source term in L1
David Kinderlehrer, Coarsening in microstructure and the mass transport paradigm
Giovanni Leoni, Asymptotic Development by Gamma Convergence
François Murat, A semilinear elliptic problem with a singularity at u=0
Paula Oliveira, Viscoelastic biodegradable materials: modelling, mathematical analysis and medical applications
Andrey Piatnitski, Ground state asymptotics for a singularly perturbed convection-diffusion operator in a thin cylinder
Annie Raoult, Hierarchy of pre-strained behaviors for thin materials
José Francisco Rodrigues, On the free boundary in heterogeneous problems of obstacle-type with two phases
Luís Sanchez, Travelling waves and critical speed in the presence of nonlinear diffusion
Pierre Seppecher, Homogenization of highly contrasted elastic checkerboards
Adélia Sequeira, Toward a novel approach to the mathematical modeling of atherosclerosis
Luc Tartar, Developing mathematical tools for real continuum mechanics and physics
Contributed talks
Stefano Almi, A lower semicontinuity result for a free discontinuity functional with a boundary term
Nenad Antonic, Localisation principles for variant H-measures
Cristian Barbarosie, Smoothness of eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix depending on parameters
Kresimir Burazin, Exact solutions in multiple state optimal design problems
Isabel Coelho, Heteroclinics for a mean curvature problem in Lorentz-Minkowski space
Flavia Giannetti, Some regularity results for integral functionals with variable growth conditions
Carolin Kreisbeck, Homogenization of layered materials with rigid components in single-slip finite plasticity
Léonard Monsaingeon, A new Optimal Transport distance between nonnegative Radon measures
Marco Morandotti, Formulas for relaxed disarrangement densities
Veronica Quitalo, On a long range segregation model
Lisa Santos, Existence and regularity of solutions of elliptic equations defined by the operator \nabla \cdot (a(x)\nabla)
Hugo Tavares, Existence and regularity of solutions to optimal partition problems involving Laplacian eigenvalues
Rodica Toader, Fracture models for elasto-plastic materials as limits of gradient damage models coupled with plasticity: the antiplane case
Igor Velcic, Homogenization of nonlinear shell theories in elasticity
Dmitry Vorotnikov, An evolutionary variational problem for image decomposition
Elvira Zappale, Integral representation results in BV x Lp
Omar Boussaid, Quasiconvexificaion of fucntions depending on two polynomials
Judith Campos Cordero, Regularity and sufficient conditions for strong local minimality
Simão Correia, Properties of minimal action solutions for a nonlinear Schrödinger system
Manuel Friedrich, A quantitative geometric rigidity result in SBD and the derivation of linearized models from nonlinear Griffith energies in fracture mechanics
Martin Jesenko, Closure and commutability results for Gamma-limits
Stanislav Kondratyev, On the bulk velocity of Brownian ratchets
Ilaria Lucardesi, The wave equation on domains with cracks growing on a prescribed path
Giovanni Maggiani, A dynamic evolution model for perfectly plastic plates
Mohamed Menad, Successive Approximation Methods for the Solution of the Fractional Euler-Lagrange Equation
Clément Mifsud, Hyperbolic boundary condition for a simplified model of perfect plasticity
Tatsuya Miura, Gamma-expansion for an adhesive obstacle problem arising from materials science
Atsushi Nakayasu, Crystalline curvature flow of a graph-like curve and corresponding obstacle problems
Gianluca Orlando, Lower semicontinuity of a class of integral functionals on the space of functions of bounded deformation
Niels Overgaard, Taut string algorithms and the ROF model
Adrien Semin, When a thin periodic layer meets corners : asymptotic analysis of a singular Helmholtz problem
Roberto Velho, Some numerical aspects on crowd motion - the Hughes' model